
The Redefine Meat LTD. website:, is operated by Redefine Meat LTD., a company
incorporated and registered under the laws of the state of Israel, registered number:
515795748, which headquarters offices are located in Rehovot, Israel.

Redefine Meat Ltd.
VAT Registration No. 515795748      
10 Oppenheimer St.
Rehovot 7670110
Redefine Meat EMEA B.V.
Nicolaas Beetsstraat 216, 3511HG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce Reg.: 84315253
VAT #: NL863167603B01

Redefine Meat EMEA B.V.
1 Mount Pleasant, Leeds LS20 9EB
United Kingdom (UK)
UK establishment #: BR024594

E-mail: [email protected]

Legal representatives: Eshchar Bern Shitrit, CEO & Adam Lahav, CBO